Phony Friends? Rejected People Better Able to Spot Fake Smiles
“There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.” It’s true too—next time you are lost in a foreign country, just flash a smile and the locals will be happy
Could Your Initials Influence Where You Choose to Work? A Systematic Test of the “Name-Letter Effect”
One of the most important decisions that we can make is what company we will work for. There are a number of factors to consider when making this decision, including salary, benefits and work location.
Hypnosis-induced Synaesthesia Makes You See Red – in the Number Seven
Hypnosis can induce synaesthetic experiences – where one sense triggers the involuntary use of another – according to a new study in Psychological Science. The findings suggests that people with synaesthesia do not necessarily have
Teenage Wasteland: Kids who Drink Before 15 at Increased Risk for Poor Health as Adults
As if raising teenagers wasn’t already difficult enough, parents are constantly barraged with information about the best way to deal with their teens. In addition to there being a copious amount of information available, it
Deal or No Deal? The Role of Emotions in Negotiating Offers
A series of experiments reveal whether people who trust their feelings (and those who do not) handle themselves in the art of negotiation.
Male Warriors and Female Peacekeepers: Gender Biases in Leadership Selection During Competitions Within and Between Groups
What makes a great leader? As election season starts to heat up, we are bombarded with pollsters asking us what traits we want in our leaders. Traits that we look for typically include a sense