Want Less Pain? Don’t Look Away
A recent study published in Psychological Science, is shedding light on how the brain processes pain. What you look at can influence how much pain you feel. Contrary to many people’s compulsion to look away
Too Many Choices? How Humans Cognitively Manage an Abundance of Mate Options
Can’t find the right guy or girl for Valentine’s Day? Research suggests you might be looking in the wrong place. A study published in Psychological Science found that people who have the choice of many
Is it Over Yet? How We Recover From Conflict
It’s the second week of February and you unfortunately find yourself in the middle of a heated argument with your significant other. Can you resolve the fight and recover your relationship in time for Valentine’s
Facebook and Love: Why Women Are Attracted to Guys Who Play Hard to Get
Time: As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s tempting to check your wall every 10 min. to see if that cute guy from the bar last week has poked you. But a recent Psychological Science study by
Injections are less painful if you don’t look away, scientists claim
The Daily Telegraph: The body naturally reduces the pain experienced if the limb or body part affected is focused on visually. Researchers found that people had a higher pain threshold if they looked at the
Pain reduced by changing what you look at
The BBC: What you look at can influence how much pain you feel, a study has revealed. Contrary to many people’s compulsion to look away during a painful event such as an injection, scientists found