Being bilingual may delay Alzheimer’s and boost brain power
The Guardian: Learning a second language and speaking it regularly can improve your cognitive skills and delay the onset of dementia, according to researchers who compared bilingual individuals with people who spoke only one language.
‘Talk Therapy’ Can Alter Brain Activity, Research Shows
Bloomberg (HealthDay): Psychotherapy triggers changes in the brains of people with social anxiety disorder, finds a new study. Medication and psychotherapy are used to treat people with social anxiety, a common disorder in which people
New Research From Psychological Science
On the Strength of Connections Between Localist Mental Modules as a Source of Frequency-of-Occurrence Effects Shannon O’Malley, Derek Besner, and Sarah Moroz How do people become familiar with items and events that appear frequently in
Behind every successful man is a woman keeping out of the way
The Daily Mail: The secret of success may be a spouse who stands at your side – but keeps out of the way, psychologists claim. Whether you are the Prime Minister, or simply trying to
When helping doesn’t help – having support encourages procrastination, says study
The Vancouver Sun: A supportive partner can often give people a good kick in the rear to get motivated to accomplish their goals, but a new study suggests that too much cheerleading actually may have
Dial ‘5683’ for Love: Dialing Certain Numbers on a Cell Phone Changes Your Emotional State
A psychological scientist in Germany has found a way that cell phones, and specifically texting, have hacked into our brains. Just by typing the numbers that correspond to the letters in a word like “love,”