People Underestimate the Power of Saying ‘Thanks’
When thanking someone, individuals underestimate the level of happiness their expression of gratitude brings to the recipient, a series of experiments shows.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring pathways to recognizing facial expressions and spatial congruency effects.
When Mind Wandering is a Strategy, Not a Disadvantage
Whether we are listening in a meeting or going for a walk, our minds often stray from the present task to other thoughts. People’s minds wander differently across situations, and new research suggests that we
America is a nation of narcissists, according to two new studies
Is America a narcissistic country? On a day when America gathers together to celebrate itself, this seems a fair question. The answer is a resounding yes, according to new research — but some states are
Replication Study Shows No Evidence That Small Talk Harms Well-Being
People who engage in more substantive conversations tend to be happier but idle small talk isn’t necessarily negatively related to well-being, researchers find.
How Other People’s Investments Can Elicit the Sunk-Cost Fallacy
A researcher looks at the interpersonal side of our tendency to avoid sunk costs.
A researcher takes a fresh look at why people often persist with an unpleasant or unprofitable endeavor because they don’t want the resources they’ve already invested to go to waste.