An Unrealistic Lover is a Happy Lover
The Wall Street Journal: Having an unrealistically rosy view of your romantic partner bodes well for the relationship (at least for three years), a study finds. Researchers recruited some 200 newlywed couples and asked them
Social engineering fail
The Boston Globe: We spend much of our lives dealing with familiar routines, objects, and people, on the assumption that these things are preferable to alternatives. According to a new study, though, familiarity can backfire
Bitter Judgments
The Wall Street Journal: Downing a bitter drink makes people more likely to express moral disapproval, according to a new study. Researchers had 57 undergraduates rate their moral distaste for several arguably distasteful acts, including
New Research From Psychological Science
Independent Allocation of Attention to Eye and Hand Targets in Coordinated Eye-Hand Movements Donatas Jonikatis and Heiner Deubel When a person reaches for an object, he or she will often look where they reach. But
Why Arguing Improves Students’ Reasoning Skills
TIME: American educators agreed last year that argumentative reasoning should be taught in schools when those in most states adopted the new Common Core State Standards, a state-led effort to establish educational benchmarks to prepare
Social Science Palooza II
The New York Times: The nice thing about being human is that you never need to feel lonely. Human beings are engaged every second in all sorts of silent conversations — with the living and