Why Powerful Men (Like Arnold) Cheat
Fox News: Another day, another political sex scandal. This time, it’s former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledging this week that he fathered a child with a member of his household staff more than a decade
True Love May Wait—But Waiting Won’t Make You a Safer Lover Later On
Whether sex education focuses only on abstinence or teaches students about contraception and other topics as well, it all shares one main message: Wait. In abstinence-only, students are exhorted to wait for sex until they’re
The Unconscious Has a Mind of Its Own
Consciousness is a very popular topic in psychological science, but new research suggests that we’ve been underestimating what unconsciousness is capable of. A study published in Psychological Science shows that the unconscious mind is more
U.S. Immigrants Get Supersized
Live Science: Immigrants to the United States may be packing on the pounds, in part, because of a desire to fit in with the citizens of their new country, a new study suggests. Immigrants and
Dusting for Fingerprints – It Ain’t CSI
Fingerprints – dozens of crime dramas revolve around them. The investigators find the victim, dust for fingerprints, run them through a computer program and –voilá- the guilty party is quickly identified and sent to prison.
Psychologists Discover We’ve Been Underestimating the Unconscious Mind
What does consciousness do? Theories vary, but most neurologists and cognitive psychologists agree that we need awareness for integration. That is, unconscious processing can take in one object or word at a time. But when