Sex, Lies, Arrogance: What Makes Powerful Men Behave So Badly?
TIME: When her husband Dominique Strauss-Kahn was preparing to run for President of France five years ago, Anne Sinclair told a Paris newspaper that she was “rather proud” of his reputation as a ladies’ man
Is Fear Deficit a Harbinger of Future Psychopaths?
Psychopaths are charming, but they often get themselves and others in big trouble; their willingness to break social norms and lack of remorse means they are often at risk for crimes and other irresponsible behaviors.
Want Lasting Love? It’s Not More Commitment, but Equal Commitment That Matters
It’s not partners’ individual commitments that make the most difference in how well they address conflict, but rather how well their levels of commitment match up.
Immigrants adopting American diets, to their detriment
NZ Herald: Immigrants to the United States often ditch their ethnic diets for high-calorie American fare, partly because it is cheap and easy to find but also as a way to fit in, a new
Los inmigrantes recurren a la comida basura para integrarse en EEUU
Yahoo Espana: Numerosos extranjeros que viven en Estados Unidos han adoptado la hipercalórica cocina estadounidense en parte debido a que tiene buenos precios y es fácil de conseguir, pero también porque es una manera de
Magt avler utroskab
Videnskab Denmark: Listen med eksempler på magtfulde mænd med lidt for løse lynlåse i bukserne er nærmest uendelig. Vi nævner i flæng: Jens Otto Krag, kong Carl Gustaf, Tiger Woods, Brad Pitt, David Letterman, Donald