How death affects life
Examiner.com How you think about death affects how you behave in life. That’s the conclusion of a new study which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association
Want to Solve a Problem? Don’t Just Use Your Brain, but Your Body Too
When we’ve got a problem to solve, we don’t just use our brains but the rest of our bodies, too. The connection, as neurologists know, is not uni-directional. Now there’s evidence from cognitive psychology of
Cultural Pressure Encourages Poor Eating Habits In Immigrants
KQED: People who immigrate to the United States from traditionally healthy cultures usually develop Western disease patterns within one or two generations. Since genetic changes cannot occur this rapidly, environmental factors, particularly diet, are considered to be
Capacity for Commitment May Start in Early Childhood
Yahoo News: The ability of men and women to have staying power and a strong level of commitment in their romantic relationships can be traced back to their early childhood and adolescence, a new study
Key to success in dating world lies in your personality
New Kerala: Certain personality traits contribute to being a good judge of whether someone else thinks you’re worth meeting again, according to the study. Mitja Back of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz was interested
New Research From Psychological Science
One to Four, and Nothing More: Nonconscious Parallel Individuation of Objects During Action Planning Jason P. Gallivan, Craig S. Chapman, Daniel K. Wood, Jennifer L. Milne, Daniel Ansari, Jody C. Culham, and Melvyn A. Goodale