Redd for rødt
Forskning Norway: Farger virker på oss, og rødt virker sterkest. Nå har forsøk med makake-aper vist at når vi ”ser rødt”, så er reaksjonen trolig impregnert i genene. Men rødt er ikke bare sinne. Rødt
Humans’ Aversion to Red Stems from Evolutionary Past
Discovery News: Red can symbolize danger, heat and even anger. It’s true: The color’s appearance in road signs, stop lights, labels and flushed cheeks often cautions humans to avoid harm. One study even found that
New Research From Psychological Science
Do 18-Month-Olds Really Attribute Mental States to Others? A Critical Test Atsushi Senju, Victoria Southgate, Charlotte Snape, Mark Leonard, and Gergely Csibra Studies have suggested that infants can attribute beliefs to other people. In an
L’amore in una coppia? È come il tango
Style Italia: Non è il caso di mettersi a “lavorare” da soli per salvare la coppia, quando ci sono dei problemi e il partner non si sta più impegnando. Non servirà. Anzi, è addirittura controproducente
The Power of Red
Allure Magazine: Red is not a color you wear when you’re feeling shy. You swipe on red lipstick or put on a red dress when you want to be noticed. It’s sexy but assertive, not
Depressed People Find It Hard to Stop Reliving Bad Times
MSN Health: June 7 (HealthDay News) — A new study suggests that depressed people suffer from an inability to rid themselves of negative thoughts because they can’t turn their attention to other things. “They basically