Für Deutsche gleichen typische Europäer eher Deutschen
Telepolis: Menschen gehen nach einer Studie davon aus, dass das typische Mitglied einer Gruppe so wie sie selbst aussieht Die europäische Einheit steht derzeit wegen der Schuldenkrise unter Stress. In der Eurozone wird damit gerungen
Don’t remember? Or don’t think you remember?
Times of India: One day you notice a group of boys passing by in a park. The next day you learn police are looking for someone to identify him as a suspect in a mugging
Taxer les riches rendrait les nations heureuses
Slate France: Aux Etats-Unis, en France et en Allemagne, des riches se sont déclarés prêts à plus payer d’impôts pour résorber la dette publique. «La plupart des riches américains ne seraient pas incommodés si on
Bi men exist, new study says
The Bay Area Reporter: A new study using improved methodology has debunked previous findings suggesting that self-identified bisexual men are not actually attracted to both men and women. Looking at a more carefully selected study
Being In the “No”: Questions Influence What We Remember
Imagine that you are sitting in the park, deeply engaged in a conversation with your loved one. A group of teenagers pass by in front of you. The next day you learn that the police
Ciò che vediamo non sempre rispecchia la realtà
La Stampa: “Se non vedo non ci credo”… Oppure: “credo solo ai miei occhi”… e via discorrendo, i modi di dire sono tanti mentre la realtà dovrebbe essere una sola, per tutti. Invece, pare non