Why We’re Lousy Predictors
Smart Money: Humans love predictions. We speculate for years about who will win the next presidential election. We fill out Final Four tournament brackets. We check the seven-day forecast even though the morning newscast is
The sink’s over here, doc
Lowell Sun: While hospital patients would like to believe they are in good hands, they might not be in clean hands. Research shows that less than 50 percent of hospital workers adhere to hand-hygiene guidelines.
Self-compassion helps heal post-divorce blues
Yahoo! India: Self-compassion and the ability to let painful emotions pass helps heal post divorce blues, a new study suggests. This trait ‘can promote resilience and positive outcomes in the face of divorce,’ says University
Taxes les riches – Quel bonheur!
Le Petit Journal: Avec sa “taxe Buffett”, le président américain veut faire payer davantage les plus riches pour réduire sa dette. Si l’idée ne fait pas sourire les républicains, elle pourrait remonter le moral des
Advice To Divorcees: Go Easy On Yourself
Divorce is tough, for just about everyone. But some people move through a breakup without overwhelming distress, even if they’re sad or worried about money, while others get stuck in the bad feelings and can’t
The ‘Silent Majority’ Agrees With Me, Voters Believe
Psychologists have found that we tend to think people who are similar to us in one explicit way—say, religion or lifestyle—will act and believe as we do, and vote as we do.