Myslet i v analogiích umí i opice
Science World: Co se přesně analogií myslí? Např. to, že kočka se stará o koťata a dospělý pták o ptáčata. Nebo že můžeme rozpůlit čtverec podobně jako kruh – abstraktní idea společná těmto vztahům (vztah
Cinco consejos para envejecer con gracia
CNN Mexico: Olvida esa perspectiva que nos ha enseñado la vida moderna sobre que la vejez es aburrida. Tendrás mayor tiempo libre y ningún otro miembro de tu familia dependerá económicamente de ti. Aprovecha ese
Context helps interpret facial emotions accurately
MSN India: A close up shows Serena Williams’ eyes tensely shut; her mouth wide open, teeth bared and her face livid. Now zoom out: The tennis star is on the court, racquet in hand, fist
Teens Get Smarter as They Age, Especially the Older Ones
International Business Times: Parents need not worry on the mental advancement of their teens as a U.S. study showed that adolescence actually breeds more excellence, thanks much to years of learning and experience. Results of
Do Baboons Monkey With Metaphors?
The Wall Street Journal: Monkeys can reason by using analogy, it seems. In an experiment recently reported in the journal Psychological Science, baboons in a lab proved capable of realizing that a pair of oval
‘Self-compassion’ can help divorced people heal
USA Today: Self-compassion can help the newly divorced get through one of the most difficult periods of their lives, researchers suggest. They explained that self-compassion — a combination of kindness toward oneself, recognition of common