Behind a visionary: The science of Steve Jobs
msnbc: The death of Apple’s Steve Jobs on Wednesday triggered an outpouring of mourning and celebration. As newspaper obits remembered Jobs as a “visionary” and the “Henry Ford of the computer industry,” fans converged on
Study links bribery with collectivism
Toronto Sun: Bribery is viewed as morally wrong across cultures, but the question remains why some places are more prone to corruption than others. According to research by Pankaj Aggarwal and Nina Mazar, two professors
When Should You Avoid Dealing With Emotions?
Huffington Post: One of the cornerstones of alcoholism recovery is what’s called “emotional sobriety.” The idea is that alcoholics and other addicts, if they hope to stay sober over the long haul, must learn to
<em>Psychological Science</em> Authors Honored With Ig Nobel Prize in Medicine
Watching Nobel laureates dancing the sirtaki and witnessing a flight of 1,200 paper airplanes were two of the unconventional events used to honor the winners of the 2011 Ig Nobel Prizes. Among the winners were
New Research From Psychological Science
Natural-Scene Perception Requires Attention Michael A. Cohen, George A. Alvarez, and Ken Nakayama Many studies have indicated that visual awareness can occur in the absence of attention, but this new study contradicts those findings. Participants
Musik verbessert die Sprachfähigkeit
Suddeutsche Zeitung: Eine Studie aus Kanada könnte den Ehrgeiz vieler Eltern anfeuern. Demnach steigertMusikunterricht nicht nur die musischen Fähigkeiten, sondern auch das Sprachvermögen von Kindern. Das berichtet der Neurowissenschaftler Sylvain Moreno im Fachmagazin Psychological Science (online).