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ORF Austria: Zwei aktuelle Studien betonen die wichtige Rolle des körperlichen Kontextes, beim Begreifen von Inhalten sowie bei der Wahrnehmung von Gesichtsausdrücken. Breites Ausdrucksrepertoire Sich mitteilen und einander zu verstehen, ist das Kernziel jeglicher zwischenmenschlichen
People rebel when they feel there is a way out
The Economic Times: People stuck with a rule are more likely to tolerate it than people who think the rule isn’t definite. And this could explain many things, from unrequited love to the uprisings in
Sports Fans Remember Victories Better Than Defeats: Study
U.S. News & World Report: You’re more likely to remember the games that your favorite teams win rather than the ones they lose, a new study says. It included almost 1,600 baseball fans who followed
Happiness: All Things Must End
Psychology Today: All good things must come to an end, and dwelling on that fact will just spoil the fun, right? Wrong. Research published in Psychological Science reveals that you savor a temporary experience more
People Rationalize Situations They’re Stuck With, But Rebel When They Think There’s An Out
People who feel like they’re stuck with a rule or restriction are more likely to be content with it than people who think that the rule isn’t definite. The authors of a new study, which
Five sex myths busted
Cleo Magazine: Men think about sex more than women. Men want more sexual partners than women do. Would you bet your morning latte that these statements are true? If so, you might have to say