Cosmopolitan Indonesia: Menurut sebuah studi yang dilakukan di Universitas Purdue, salah satu penyebab obesitas pada pria adalah karena mereka kerap merasa stres diperlakukan tidak adil oleh wanita. So, kegundahan apa lagi yang sering dialami oleh
Sound and vision work hand in hand, UCLA psychologists report
UCLA: Our senses of sight and hearing work closely together, perhaps more than people realize, a new UCLA psychology study shows. “If we think of the perceptual system as a democracy where each sense is
Impatient? It Could Be The Reason Your Credit Score Stinks
Business Insider: Those who exert more patience and are willing to wait for larger financial payouts down the line have credit scores an average of 30 points higher than those who are less patient, according
Wie Gesichter in der Erinnerung bleiben
Der Spiegel: Auge, Nase, Mund – wer Gesichter nur als Summe ihrer Bestandteile wahrnimmt, erkennt sie später schlechter wieder. Wer das Antlitz seines Gegenübers allerdings im Ganzen wahrnimmt, wird sich später eher an die Person
Employee misconduct unsettles companies
The Times of India: People often judge a ‘group’ mind differently from that of a ‘member’ which has led to the cropping up of issues like decision-making, blame and moral judgment in companies, political groups
Impatient? Then Your Credit Probably Stinks
TIME: Were you sitting and drumming your fingers while waiting for this page to load? Do you think instant coffee takes too long? If you’re impatient, more than just your blood pressure will suffer: You’re