How We Assign Blame for Corporate Crimes
msnbc: Whether the public blames Wall Street or its bankers for bad decisions depends a lot on the group’s level of cohesion as well as its mindfulness, or ability to “think,” suggests a new study.
Down in the dumps? You should be more patriotic! People happiest when they feel like they ‘belong’ to a country
Daily Mail: Feeling proud to be British makes you feel good about life in general, according to scientists. They found that the kind of pride that makes people happiest is when they feel they ‘belong’
How We Assign Blame for Corporate Crimes
Yahoo! Canada: Whether the public blames Wall Street or its bankers for bad decisions depends a lot on the group’s level of cohesion as well as its mindfulness, or ability to “think,” suggests a new
Leaning to the left makes the world seem smaller
NewScientist: If something has gone down in your estimation, check your stance. Leaning to the left encourages people to underestimate everything from the height of buildings to the number of Michael Jackson chart-toppers. To find
Nationalister mer nöjda med sina liv
Metro Sverige: Personer som är stolta över sitt land är mer nöjda med sina egna liv än andra, konstaterar forskare i Psychological Science. Men det finns tydliga skillnader mellan olika typer av nationalism. De som
Awakening Your Inner Materialist
The Huffington Post: I don’t see myself as especially materialistic, and you probably don’t see yourself that way either. The fact is, I don’t know anyone who actually takes pride in acquiring more and more