Men who try hard get the girl: study
New Zealand Herald: We’ve all met men who think they’re God’s gift to women. No matter how many times they’re rebuffed in the dating game, they always bounce back. But a study suggests those who
The hotter the woman, the better men think chances are
msnbc: Consider Howard Wolowitz and Rajesh Koothrappali. They may be fictional characters on a popular sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory,” but new research suggests there’s a lot of truth in how they interact with women.
The secret to sexual success for men? Misreading whether women are interested – and having a thick skin
The Daily Mail: Lotharios who ‘misread the signals’ from women and assume they are more attractive than they are – and there are lots – should just be in for repeated embarasssments, you might think.
Sue Shellenbarger answers readers’ questions
The Wall Street Journal: Q: Regarding your column on how IQ can change over one’s lifetime, how can I find more information on the effects of musical training on cognitive skills at various ages? M.J.P.
Klammern am Status quo
bild der wissenschaft: Viele Menschen rechtfertigen ein bestehendes System, auch wenn eigentlich ersichtlich ist, dass es falsch, ungerecht, korrupt oder einfach zum Scheitern verurteilt ist. Um diesem Phänomen auf den Grund zu gehen, haben die
How to Keep Your Resolutions All Year!
Self Magazine: You think: “I need others to push me to… [fill in the blank].” Asking people for support is smart, but to make your resolution stick, now is the time to learn how to