Seksuele hints vaak overschat
MSN Nederland: Seksueel getinte hints worden vaak verkeerd geïnterpreteerd, blijkt uit Amerikaans onderzoek. Er zijn twee manieren waarop je als man een fout kunt maken: of je denkt ‘Wow die vrouw ziet mij wel zitten’
In the Game of Love, Self-Deception May Be Key
LiveScience: Hot guys tend to underestimate women’s interest in them, while other men, particularly those looking for a one-night stand, are more likely to think a woman is much more into them than she actually
Men who try hard get the girl: study
New Zealand Herald: We’ve all met men who think they’re God’s gift to women. No matter how many times they’re rebuffed in the dating game, they always bounce back. But a study suggests those who
The hotter the woman, the better men think chances are
msnbc: Consider Howard Wolowitz and Rajesh Koothrappali. They may be fictional characters on a popular sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory,” but new research suggests there’s a lot of truth in how they interact with women.
The secret to sexual success for men? Misreading whether women are interested – and having a thick skin
The Daily Mail: Lotharios who ‘misread the signals’ from women and assume they are more attractive than they are – and there are lots – should just be in for repeated embarasssments, you might think.
Sue Shellenbarger answers readers’ questions
The Wall Street Journal: Q: Regarding your column on how IQ can change over one’s lifetime, how can I find more information on the effects of musical training on cognitive skills at various ages? M.J.P.