Män har uppblåsta egon
Sveriges Television: De signaler vi ger varandra när vi flörtar kan vara svårtolkade. Speciellt män läser ofta kvinnors signaler fel. I studien fick 96 manliga och 103 kvinnliga studenter gå på snabbdejt med varandra. De
Why ugly men believe pretty women are interested in them
Evening Herald: SOME men can get by on a wink and a smile — but those with less chiselled features make up for it with misguided optimism about their own appearance. The study could help
Men Think They’re Hot — And It Works
Discovery News: It’s a classic tale of unrequited love: Boy meets Girl. Boy likes Girl. Girl is not really that into Boy. Totally failing to take the hint, Boy pursues Girl anyway. The storyline is
Relentless optimism of ugly men makes up for unappealing looks
The Telegraph: Despite being at a disadvantage in the looks department, some men are able to snare a partner far more attractive than them through relentless persistence and overblown belief in their own sex appeal.
Seksuele hints vaak overschat
MSN Nederland: Seksueel getinte hints worden vaak verkeerd geïnterpreteerd, blijkt uit Amerikaans onderzoek. Er zijn twee manieren waarop je als man een fout kunt maken: of je denkt ‘Wow die vrouw ziet mij wel zitten’
In the Game of Love, Self-Deception May Be Key
LiveScience: Hot guys tend to underestimate women’s interest in them, while other men, particularly those looking for a one-night stand, are more likely to think a woman is much more into them than she actually