Math for baby boys
The Boston Globe: The Nuremberg Trials established that individuals cannot fall back on a claim that they were merely conforming and “following orders” to justify immoral actions. Nevertheless, a new study suggests that people consider
For ugly Don Juans, false confidence aids when looks are lacking
The Vancouver Sun: When it comes to sex, a new study finds that fortune favours the bold — and the clueless. Reporting in the journal Psychological Science, researchers say men who falsely presume women’s sexual
Estimates in the Balance
The Wall Street Journal: Body posture can influence how we estimate such things as age and size, a study shows. Thirty-three undergraduates stood on a Wii Balance Board, a videogame-system accessory. Researchers surreptitiously manipulated the
Left-leaning estimations
The Globe and Mail: “If something has gone down in your estimation, check your stance,” says the New Scientist. “Leaning to the left encourages people to underestimate everything from the height of buildings to the
Does having more potential mates make us focus on deep qualities or shallow ones?
Business Insider: A study published in Psychological Science found that volunteers who have the choice of many potential mates pay less attention to important characteristics that take more time to elicit and pay more attention
Les gènes de l’intelligence remis en question
Le Monde: Avec l’explosion des analyses génétiques, de nombreux travaux ont associé des variations dans plusieurs gènes impliqués dans le fonctionnement du cerveau avec le niveau d’intelligence. Prochainement publiée par la revue Psychological Science, une