Mothers who nurture, not spoil children, raise healthier adults
Examiner: In Utah County, it’s hard to go anywhere without seeing an expectant mother. Utah women top all other states in fertility with an average of 2.6 children per woman, according to the most recent
Notre carte intérieure est orientée vers le nord
Yahoo France: Les géographes occidentaux ont finalement bien raison d’orienter leur carte routière ou touristique en faisant correspondre le haut de ces cartes avec le nord. En tout cas, ce choix s’est ancré dans notre
Powerful People Feel Taller Than They Are
After the huge 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the chairman of BP referred to the victims of the spill as the “small people.” He explained it as awkward word choice by a
How Our Brains Navigate the City
The Atlantic: To navigate certain parts of New York City — namely Queens and much of Manhattan — all you need to be able to do is count. In Manhattan neighborhoods like the West Village
Religious People Have Higher Self-Esteem But Only In Some Countries, Study Shows
Huffington Post: Are religious people happier? Studies have shown that God-fearing folks tend to have higher self-esteem than nonbelievers, but new research published in the January issue of Psychological Science adds some nuance. It shows
Will Pay for Status
Huffington Post: There are lots of ways to show other people that you have status. I travel a lot, and the airlines treat frequent travelers specially. At the start of the boarding process, the people