Study: Income inequality may boost your ego
The Washington Post: A new study finds that countries with more income inequality tend to have more people who believe that they are better than average — a psychological phenomenon known as “self-enhancement.” The study
Facebook: Is this any place for the not-so-self-assured to make friends?
Los Angeles Times: Facebook, the social networking giant that connects 845 million people to one another, may be a jolly gabfest for the self-assured. But for those who suffer from low self-esteem, it appears to
Negative Nancy? Your Facebook friends might hate you for it: Study
Toronto Sun: Stop complaining on Facebook. Your “friends” are starting to hate you for it, a study from Ontario’s University of Waterloo suggests. “People with low self-esteem seem to behave counterproductively, bombarding their friends with
Psicologia: Facebook insidia per chi ha scarsa autostima
Yahoo Italia: Facebook è per molti, ma non per tutti. Il social network dei record, infatti, è controindicato per le persone con scarsa autostima. Secondo uno studio pubblicato su ‘Psychological Science’, infatti, questo tipo di
Even Babies Know What's Fair
At a playground, it’s not uncommon to hear the refrain, “That’s not fair!” It seems that young children worry a lot about fairness, but psychological scientists have typically assumed that kids don’t start to understand
Right Hand or Left? How the Brain Solves a Perceptual Puzzle
When you see a picture of a hand, how do you know whether it’s a right or left hand? This “hand laterality” problem may seem obscure, but it reveals a lot about how the brain