The Last Piece Of Chocolate You Eat Is The Best, Says Study
The Huffington Post: A new study published in the journal Psychological Science reveals that the last bite of chocolate you eat will probably taste the best. The study, authored by Ed O’Brien and Phoebe C.
Hunger Affects What We See
Scientific American: Hunger is the best sauce. And it affects perceptions of anything related to food. Even words. Researchers tested two groups. One group just had lunch. The other hadn’t eaten in four hours. The
Stumped by a Problem? This Technique Unsticks You
Stuck solving a problem? Seek the obscure, says Tony McCaffrey, a psychology PhD from the University of Massachusetts. “There’s a classic obstacle to innovation called ‘functional fixedness,’ which is the tendency to fixate on the
Does Preschool Matter?
Wired: For many kids, the most important years of schooling come before they can even read. Consider the groundbreaking work of the Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman, who has repeatedly documented the power of early
Study of the Day: Why That Last Piece of Chocolate Tastes the Best
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Our fondest memories usually involve the last of something, be it a farewell kiss or the final day of school. Does this last-is-best bias extend to more trivial events in everyday life?
Hungry people ‘have clearer picture of food-related words’
Yahoo! India: Famished people tend to see food-related words more clearly than people who’ve just eaten, a new study has revealed. The study finds that this change in vision happens at the earliest, perceptual stages