Größenwahn: Macht verzerrt die Selbstwahrnehmung
Web.de: Dazu gingen die Forscher um Michelle M. Duguid von der Washington University folgendermaßen vor: Sie luden 100 männliche und weibliche Testpersonen zu einem Rollenspiel ein. In einem vorab absolvierten Persönlichkeitstest sollten die Teilnehmer zunächst
Today in Research: Memory Loss in Combat
The Atlantic: That’s a single minute. Or, in other words, a very short amount of time. Think of all the many minutes soldiers or police officers spend using “physical exertion in a threatening situation,” as
Checking Off Symptoms Online Affects Our Perceptions of Risk
You’ve been feeling under the weather. You Google your symptoms. A half-hour later, you’re convinced it’s nothing serious—or afraid you have cancer. More than 60 percent of Americans get their health information online, and a
Police officers at risk of memory loss after physical exertion
Metro News: Just 60 seconds of adrenaline-pumping activity can ‘seriously damage’ their recollection of the event, according to UK scientists. They say forgetfulness is often triggered by high-energy events like chasing a suspect. Lorraine Hope
Visual illusions may help boost sports performance
Yahoo! India: One of the ways in which a player might be able to improve his chances at making a free throw during a basketball tournament could be by tricking himself into thinking that the
The Bad Science Reporting Effect
The Chronicle of Higher Education: The press coverage of the so-called “QWERTY effect” in early March left me somewhat worried that it is so easy to publish bad science, but absolutely appalled at the state