Gestresste Männer sind viel sozialer als gedacht
Die Welt: Männer werden unter Stress nicht automatisch aggressiver wie bisher angenommen. Stattdessen reagieren sie – ähnlich wie Frauen – in Stresssituationen sogar häufig sozialer als in entspannter Atmosphäre. Das haben Forscher der Universität Freiburg
Sex and Trauma Research Is Less Upsetting to College Students Than Previously Assumed
Research on sex and trauma faces an ethical dilemma: how can we find out more about the effects of such psychologically sensitive topics without hurting the people who participate in the study? Institutional review boards
Biggest Convention Ever!
Look for more coverage of the biggest Convention ever in the July/August issue of the Observer. APS President Asks ‘Who Owns Science?’ Scientists from Diverse Perspectives Reply The question is as expansive and provocative as
When Equality Loses
Despite our inclination to believe equality within a team or group is important, new research suggests that a built-in hierarchy leads to fewer group conflicts and higher productivity. The research finds a team or group
People Know When to Move On
People make decisions all the time. What sandwich to order, whether to walk through that puddle or around it, what school to go to and so on. However, psychologists disagree on how good we are
What Do Spoilers Spoil?
The New York Times: Over 10 percent of the comments on my “Hunger Games” column brought up the question of spoiler alerts. “Haven’t you heard of a spoiler alert?”, one exasperated reader asked. Another reader