Social Psychology A Chilly Reception
The Wall Street Journal: When we don’t see what we expect to see in the face of a conversation partner, the situation starts to feel chilly—literally. In one experiment, a female researcher greeted 40 undergraduates
Allowing the Mind to Wander Aids Creativity
Scientific American: History is rich with ‘eureka’ moments: scientists from Archimedes to Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein are said to have had flashes of inspiration while thinking about other things. But the mechanisms behind this
How Baby Names Can Help Marketers Predict the Next Big Thing
TIME: Few parents would admit to naming their baby after a hurricane. But unconsciously that might be exactly what many of us are doing — or at least appropriating the sounds of a name that
Rethinking Rage in the Middle East
The Huffington Post: In September of last year, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas petitioned the United Nations for full membership in the world body. For many Palestinians this event was a potent and long-overdue symbol of
From Karen to Katie —Using Baby Names to Understand Cultural Evolution
From Top 40 hits to baby names, styles change and fashions evolve over time. While the latest fad may seem arbitrary, new research suggests that basic psychological processes can explain why some things become popular.
Warum die Krebsfrüherkennung überschätzt wird
Der Spiegel: Was beeinflusst stärker, ob man ein medizinisches Verfahren für nützlich oder schädlich hält: eine Reihe von Zahlen oder die Geschichte eines Kollegen, dessen Freund durch die Therapie gerettet wurde? Psychologen betonen, dass Menschen