Math Creating a Division
Quick: What’s 136 divided by 17? Knowing the answer to division problems like this could help the whole country. Over the past 30 years, mathematics achievement of U.S. high school students has remained stagnant—and significantly
Formula written for math success
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Mastery of fractions and early division is a predictor of students’ later success with algebra and other higher-level mathematics, based on a study done by a team of researchers led by a Carnegie
iPhone-Addicted Lego Lover Seeks Same For Fun, Romance, Brand Worship
Fast Company: A few years back, the results of a study conducted to determine if brand exposure motivates behavior was published in the Journal of Consumer Research. The researchers determined that when primed with the
Organic Eaters Might Be Meaner Than Their Counterparts, Study Finds
Huffington Post: Eating organic food may make people develop a holier-than-thou complex, according to a new study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. Researchers divided subjects into three different groups. One was shown
Ein Hurrikan macht Mode
ORF Austria: Laut Statistik Austria sind Lukas und Anna die aktuell beliebtesten Vornamen in Österreich. Eine Studie zeigt: Popularität und Klang sind eng verwoben, die Namensmode folgt langfristigen Trends. Diese werden bisweilen sogar von Wirbelstürmen
Control Yourself! Inhibiting Physical Action Cuts Risky Gambling and Drinking
TIME: Want to gamble smarter, make less risky financial decisions or cut down on your drinking? Practice stopping yourself midway through a simple physical movement, new research suggests. Although controlling risky impulses may seem unrelated