Looking for Trouble (and Seeing It)
The Huffington Post: I’ve known a few troublemakers over the years. These were guys with huge chips on both shoulders, who would gladly pick a fight if you looked at them wrong. And looking at
Smiling during stress may help the heart
United Press International: People who smile even though they don’t feel like it had lower heart beat levels, U.S. researcher suggest. Psychological scientists Tara Kraft and Sarah Pressman of the University of Kansas conducted a
Sex In Movies Pushes Kids To Have Sex Earlier
Forbes: Parents, you may want to hide the remote from your teens while you read this. Or at least make sure you’ve set the parental controls on your cable box. Kids who watch movies with
Si vous vous sentez stressé, souriez ! (If you feel stressed, smile!)
Le Figaro: Un sourire, même forcé, abaisse le rythme cardiaque pendant une activité stressante, révèle une étude américaine. Les scientifiques avaient déjà révélé l’effet relaxant d’un sourire, mais l’on pensait celui-ci réservé au «vrai sourire»
Why Men (Yes, Men) Are Better Multitaskers
The Huffington Post: We should all be forgiven for believing that women are good at multitasking, and far superior to men. After all, that’s the popular image that has been in circulation for some time.
Study: Forcing a Smile Genuinely Decreases Stress
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Happiness makes us smile, but can smiling make us happy? Even if it’s a fake smile, because your mouth is propped open by chopsticks? There’s the standard smile, which remains located in