Suspect Line Up
ABC Catalyst: There are two major problems. One is when the witness to the crime is asked to come in and look at a line up they come with quite strong expectations that the bad
Feeling Guilty Versus Feeling Angry – Who Can Tell the Difference?
When you rear-end the car in front of you at a stoplight, you may feel a mix of different emotions such as anger, anxiety, and guilt. The person whose car you rear-ended may feel angered
Accord bancal (Wobbly Agreement)
Le Monde: Le fauteuil du supérieur hiérarchique, ou de celui qui est en position de client potentiel, doit être non seulement plus profond, doté d’un dossier plus imposant, mais aussi d’une assise plus élevée que
Stress? Verschenken Sie Ihre Zeit! (Stressed? Give your time away)
Sueddeutsche Zeitung: In einer Welt des Überflusses herrscht ein steter Mangel: Niemand hat Zeit. Ständig ist was los, der alltägliche Wahnsinn. Die Terminkalender platzen und eine Verabredung, ein Meeting, eine Besprechung soll immer noch untergebracht
When Does Tragedy Become Funny?
Discovery News: A new study helps explain why Sarah Silverman can make us laugh about racism, how the Onion manages to poke fun of religious intolerance in the midst of violent unrest in the Middle
Some viewers may find this distressing: How watching harrowing footage on the news can bring on post-traumatic stress
The Daily Mail: With 24-hour news channels bringing a constant stream of images from far-flung conflict zones into our lives, we are increasingly able to watch global drama unfold almost minute-by-minute. But scientists say that