New Research on Memory From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on memory published in the November 2012 issue of Psychological Science. Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Predicts Failure to Recall Negative Autobiographical Memories Benjamin C. Storm and Tara A. Jobe Failure to retrieve memories
Need a Self-Control Boost? Gargle with Sugar Water!
Forbes: If you’re struggling to keep your self-control on track, keep a bottle of lemonade made with real sugar handy. You won’t have to drink it, just swish and gargle when you’re feeling like giving up.
Exploring the Financial Costs of Sadness
Your emotions can certainly impact your decisions, but you might be surprised by the extent to which your emotions affect your pocketbook. New research from psychological scientist Jennifer Lerner of the Harvard Kennedy School of
Teen Sex Study Links Age At First Sexual Experience To Romantic Relationships In Adulthood
The Huffington Post: When it comes to sex, “late bloomers” may have a better shot at finding happiness in romantic relationships later in life, according to new research conducted at the University of Texas at
Hurricane You
Slate: Hurricane Sandy charged into the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States today. Sandy isn’t exactly a common name these days. How can you get a tropical storm named after yourself? Lobby the National Weather Service.
Wie man aus Fehlern lernt (How to learn from mistakes)
ORF Austria: “Self-Affirmation” heißt eine Theorie, die der US-amerikanische Psychologe Claude Mason Steele in den 80er Jahren vorgestellt hat. Sie geht davon aus, dass Menschen die Integrität ihres Selbstwerts aufrechterhalten, obwohl dieser von widrigen Einflüssen