Dans la vie active et en période de crise, évitons les “pseudo-amis” (In life and in times of crisis, avoid the “pseudo-friends”)
Le Monde: L’émergence des réseaux sociaux virtuels, tels Facebook, LinkedIn, Viadeo ou Twitter, a tendance à imposer l’idée que le nombre de ses amis, contacts, “followers”, est un gage de qualité personnelle. Un “sans amis”
Self-Objectification May Inhibit Women’s Social Activism
Women who live in a culture in which they are objectified by others may in turn begin to objectify themselves. This kind of self-objectification may reduce women’s involvement in social activism, according to new research
Study Shows Limits on Brain’s Ability to Perceive Multifeatured Objects
New research sheds light on how the brain encodes objects with multiple features, a fundamental task for the perceptual system. The study, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, suggests
6 Secrets Of Powerful People
Prevention: Powerful people are happier because they feel more authentic, according to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science. To reach that conclusion, investigators conducted online surveys in both the US and Israel.
7-minute essay slows the loathe in marriages
Today: Could a little homework help save your marriage? Researchers in Chicago think so. They found that couples who spent just seven minutes every few months writing short essays about their recent fights reported being
Facial Structure May Predict Endorsement of Racial Prejudice
The structure of a man’s face may indicate his tendency to express racially prejudiced beliefs, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Studies have shown that