Charitable acts may backfire, researchers report
Medhill: If someone volunteers at a charity hoping to reel in a love interest, is that act still viewed as altruistic? Not likely, according to a study published in the January edition of Psychological Science.
Parents: beware praise inflation
The Boston Globe: It’s natural for parents to want to heap praise on their children. But depending on the kid, it may not be as helpful as they might think. In a new study, researchers
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research from Psychological Science: Task Relevance Induces Momentary Changes in the Functional Visual Field During Reading Johanna K. Kaakinen and Jukka Hyönä Research has shown that people zoom in on task-relevant
Detecting Sickness By Smell
Humans are able to smell sickness in someone whose immune system is highly active, a study shows.
Multiplier les erreurs aide à mieux apprendre (Making mistakes helps you to learn better)
Le Figaro: Vingt-cinq siècles plus tard, le Pr Tom Stafford, du département de psychologie de l’université de Sheffield (Royaume-Uni), et son collègue de New York Michael Dewar viennent de confirmer l’enseignement du sage chinois dans
Is Your Impatience Costing You?
US News & World Report: Impatience, it turns out, can be costly. Research suggests that people who opt for smaller rewards today over bigger rewards later tend to have lower credit scores. In the study