Study finds women may be more likely to have fling with wide-headed men
Wired: Are you a man with a wide head in search of a fling? If so, you’re in luck, as according to a new study in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological
Mindfulness Meditation May Improve Decision Making
A focused 15-minute focused-breathing meditation may help to counteract the deep-rooted sunk cost bias.
Study: Gossip can be good for society
WTOP: Mean girls, look out! Gossip can be used for good. A study conducted recently at Stanford University looked at the dynamics of people working within a group, and how problems occur when the classic
Charitable Giving Could Harm A Company’s Image, Study Says
The Huffington Post: Giving to charity may actually hurt a company’s reputation, a new study from the Yale School of Management has suggested. Interested in how people view donors who make a profit while doing
For Couples, Mutual Ambivalence Increases Cardiovascular Risk
Pacific Standard: Toxic relationships have long been linked to poorer health. But newly published research suggests that, to increase your chances of developing cardiovascular problems, you and your spouse don’t have to despise one another.
After Committing a Crime, Guilt and Shame Predict Re-Offense
Within three years of being released from jail, two out of every three inmates in the US wind up behind bars again — a problem that contributes to the highest incarceration rate of any country