Why You Should Freak Out More, Not Less, Over Your Profile Photos
New York Magazine: We’ve all spent too much time obsessing over our profile pictures on Facebook, dating websites, and everywhere else. It would be nice to think we’re being neurotic, that it doesn’t actually matter
George Washington Trumps Pinocchio When It Comes to Promoting Honesty in Kids
Pacific Standard: Once upon a time, a group of researchers began to wonder whether telling children traditional stories meant to instill a sense of honesty actually worked. So they took three classic tales, shared them
Blame Your Brain: The Fault Lies Somewhere Within
NPR: Science doesn’t just further technology and help us predict and control our environment. It also changes the way we understand ourselves and our place in the natural world. This understanding can inspire awe and a sense
Science Confirms Looking Angry Gets People To Do What You Want
The Huffington Post: If you’ve ever gotten the death glare from your parent, child or S.O., you already know the results of this new study to be true. New research in the journal Psychological Science shows that
A Sense of Time Requires a Sense of Space
Scientific American: We often think of the abstract idea of time in the concrete terms of space, saying we are “looking forward to the weekend” or “putting the past behind us.” These adages may be
Dads Who Do Dishes Raise Ambitious Daughters
New York Magazine: Dads who equally divided the drudgery of household chores with their wives tended to have daughters whose “when I grow up” aspirations were less gender-stereotypical, suggests an upcoming paper in Psychological Science. Moms’ work-equality beliefs