Mindfulness and Meditation Need More Rigorous Study, Less Hype
The spread of mindfulness and meditation as wellness tools outpaces scientific evidence, a team of researchers concludes.
Optimize Learning With Psychological Science
Study tips abound, but which ones actually work? Researchers translate the evidence into useful strategies for students.
Making the Case for Prediction Over Explanation
Machine learning allows us to build models that predict future behavior instead of simply explaining past behavior.
“Form-a-Palooza” Applies Behavioral Science to Improve Washington, DC Government Forms
It’s not every day that city residents get excited to complete paperwork. But that’s exactly what happened when a group of behavioral scientists, design experts, government agency representatives, and DC citizens gathered in Washington, DC.
A New Look at the Killing of Kitty Genovese: The Science of False Confessions
Kitty Genovese’s murder caught the attention of the public and psychological scientists alike, but new research indicates we’ve had the story all wrong for the last 50 years.
The Factors That Foster Wise Reasoning
Empirical research on wisdom suggests that it’s not so much that some people simply possess wisdom and others lack it, but that our ability to reason wisely depends on a variety of external factors.