Me, My Job, and AI: Preserving Worker Identity Amid Technological Change
How artificial intelligence is functionally deployed in the workplace impacts whether workers feel threatened by it or embrace it.
‘Not Me, but We’: Identifying With a Group May Boost Individuals’ Sense of Control
Group-based control theory proposes that social identification with agentic in-groups—groups with a common goal—and engagement in collective action allow people to restore and maintain a sense of control and can help efforts feel less futile, even when the odds seem stacked.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on abstract concepts, identity and group belongingness, religion, gender perceptions and sexual harassment, cognitive functioning, well-being and psychopathology, and more.
Teaching: Adolescent Self-Control / Loyalty Benefits and Backfires
Lesson plans about self-control in adolescents and how loyalty can lead us to act ethically or unethically.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on brain and learning, handedness in primates, cognitive modeling and large-scale digital data, language, blame, credibility in psychological science, musical synchrony, innovations in clinical science and assessment.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on computational models and psychological measurement, clinical applications of digital technologies, infants’ everyday experiences, trajectories of anxiety and depression, language acquisition, a new way of studying psychopathology, group-based control, binocular rivalry, and aging and digital technology use.