First-Rate Science on Symposium Sunday
Changing Behavior for a Changing Climate Climate change is one of the most profound global crises of the 21st century‚ but a large percentage of the world population seems blithe about its implications or even
Using Time to Understand Behavioral Development
Life moves steadily in one direction, but the thoughts, feelings, and decisions that make up our existence are often best examined over varying timelines. A memory begins to form in a matter of moments and
New Immigrants, New Research Opportunities
Since the 19th century, immigration and psychology have shaped each other in the United States — for better or worse. Back then, people who attempted to enter the country at Ellis Island faced psychological tests
Law and (Dis)order
The idea of admitting to a crime you didn’t commit seems inconceivable to most people. Take the Central Park Five: teenagers who confessed to raping a jogger in New York City’s Central Park in 1989
Research for Real Life
At the annual Psychological Science in the Public Interest symposium, PSPI authors Patrick Corrigan (Illinois Institute of Technology) and Maria Kozhevnikov (Harvard University) spoke about their work examining mental-illness stigma and cognitive style, respectively. Their
Student Caucus Brings Energy to New York City
The APS Student Caucus (APSSC) offered programming that drew students from Shanghai to southern California to New York City for the 2015 APS Annual Convention. The programming began with the “Naked Truth” panels providing perspectives