He’s Just Not That Into Me: Rejection Influences Women’s Risky Sexual Decision Making
Given the significant consequences involved in women’s choices to have unprotected sex, empirical research designed to understand the in-the-moment factors influencing women’s risky sexual decision-making has become crucial. For the present study, we employed Downey
Hey, Can You Watch My Stuff? A Study of Change Blindness During Real World Interactions
Many people fail to notice if someone is replaced by another during an interaction. Is change blindness reduced when individual identity is more important — e.g., when someone requests that you watch his or her
A Family Affair
APS has been a family affair for us over the years. When the girls were little, they would come along for the ride. Since 2009, though, they have been active participants. To emphasize the “Psychology
Pick on Someone Your Own Size
The current study examined the effects of weight within the context of peer victimization among college females of different ethnicity. Ethnic differences in the impact of victim weight and bully weight are reported for both
Sexual Selection and the Paradox of Male Mortality
There is a paradox in the human gender and health literature that has been recognized, but ignored for some years. There are consistent sex differences in mortality and longevity between men and women, with women
Panic Symptoms within Dental Anxiety: Implications for Treatment
The current study examined panic symptoms related to sub-clinical dental anxiety and clinically significant dental phobia. Individuals with dental phobia exhibited higher levels of panic symptoms, particularly heart palpitations, sweating, trembling/shaking, and nausea/stomach distress. Panic