Does Using Facebook Make People Lonelier?
A new article probes the complicated relationship between loneliness and social internet use.
Anxiety May Quash “Gut Feelings”
Anxiety may interfere with intuition, our ability to know something without knowing how we know it.
Funding Opportunities for Research on Methodologies for STEM Education
The National Science Foundation (NSF)’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) EHR Core Research Program has released a new letter detailing opportunities supporting psychological scientists and others who wish to study methodologies supporting inferences
Praising Kids’ Smarts May Lead to Cheating
Children who are praised for their intelligence may cheat to maintain their reputation.
ADHD May Stop Thoughts in Their Tracks
While any child can become distracted in this way, a study found that the minds of children with untreated ADHD were more likely to simply go blank.
In Memory of APS Past President Elizabeth Capaldi Phillips
Capaldi Phillips had many achievements as a researcher, university administrator, and tireless advocate for psychological science.