Can Scientific Rigor and Creativity Coexist?
Will heightened standards for rigor and transparency quash the kind of inventive theories and predictions that have driven psychological science in the first place?
How Other People’s Investments Can Elicit the Sunk-Cost Fallacy
A researcher looks at the interpersonal side of our tendency to avoid sunk costs.
A researcher takes a fresh look at why people often persist with an unpleasant or unprofitable endeavor because they don’t want the resources they’ve already invested to go to waste.
Why Some People Get Little Pleasure From Social Interaction
Social interaction is considered to be such an important contributor to physical and mental well-being that individuals who show relatively low drive for and pleasure from interacting with others are sometimes given a clinical diagnosis
Bias Is Blind: Partisan Prejudice Across the Political Spectrum
A scientific analysis upends the notion that people on the political right are more biased about their ideological views than are people on the left.
Childhood Adversity Is Linked with Risky Health Behaviors and Negative Life Outcomes
Children often show remarkable resilience, but survey data shows that repeated exposure to adversity in childhood can have a significant impacts on health and well-being later in life.
Harlow’s Classic Studies Revealed the Importance of Maternal Contact
Harry Harlow’s empirical work revolutionized the scientific understanding of the influence of social relationships in early development.