24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development
The 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development will be held in Vilnius, capital city of Lithuania on 10–14 July, 2016. For more information, visit www.issbd2016.com/en/.
Perspective-Tracking Brain Response Could Help Identify Children with Autism
Brain imaging is enabling scientists to examine neural activity associated with our ability to distinguish the self from others, which stands to improve the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in children..
XIV Conference of European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS)
“Trauma in Changing Societies: Social Contexts and Clinical Practice” 10–13 June 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania About ESTSS ESTSS 2015 is the annual Conference of European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, for the first time to be held in Northeastern Europe. Expected to attract around 600 academics and practitioners, it is going to be Europe’s largest event in the field of trauma psychology this year.
How a Habit Becomes an Addiction
Research suggests that only 20–30% of drug users actually descend into addiction — defined as the persistent seeking and taking of drugs even in the face of dire personal consequences. Why are some people who use drugs able to do so without turning into addicts, while others continue to abuse, even when the repercussions range from jail time to serious health problems? In a comprehensive review in the European Journal of Neuroscience, Barry Everitt outlines the neural correlates and learning-based processes associated with the transition from drug use, to abuse, to addiction.
ISSBD and Jacobs Foundation Announce Fellowships
The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) and the Jacobs Foundation are offering 10 doctoral fellowships of 2 years each, with a 1-year extension possible. The fellowships will be located at the applicants’ home institutions and will begin in July 2015; the working language will be English. Admitted students will receive a monthly stipend of up to $1,500, and half of the fellowships are reserved for students from currency-restricted countries.
Processing Speed Helps Determine Whether We Choose Carrots Over Chocolates
Every January, many people pledge to make healthier food choices a priority for the upcoming year—swapping out that slice of chocolate cake for a bag of carrot sticks. But, keeping that healthy eating resolution isn’t