Get Yourself to Do Stuff by Appealing to Your Own Sense of Pride
New York Magazine: A story at the start of Take Pride, a forthcoming book by University of British Columbia psychologist Jessica Tracy, is a typical one of youthful aimlessness, at least at first. Tracy writes about her post-college life in the late 1990s, when she moved across the country to San Francisco and got a job as a barista in a cozy cafe. It was a pleasant life, filled with lots of people to talk to and lots of time to read, along with few anxieties or responsibilities.
When Economic Growth Doesn’t Make People Happy
The Atlantic: In 2013, UNICEF released a report comparing the well-being of children in 29 of the world’s most advanced nations. The report compiled data on health, safety, education, behavioral factors, living environments, material well-being, and subjective “life satisfaction” surveys from children themselves. The United States landed near the bottom on almost all measures, ranking 26th out of 29 countries; only Lithuania, Latvia, and Romania performed worse. ... In a 2009 study of 450,000 Americans, the economists Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman discovered that for Americans happiness seemed to level off at a household income level of $75,000.
Scientists are furious after a famous psychologist accused her peers of ‘methodological terrorism’
Business Insider: The science of psychology is in crisis. One by one, many of its flashiest and most famous results have collapsed in the last decade as a new generation of researchers have re-examined famous findings. Forcing a smile can't really make you happy. The smell of chocolate cookies doesn't make you a better test taker. A robot named "statcheck" is trawling through published papers for statistical errors, and posting public comments when it finds them. It's a scary time to be a member of the psychological academic establishment. As the social psychologist Michael Inzlicht wrote on his blog back in February, "Our problems are not small and they will not be remedied by small fixes.
Hillary Clinton’s ‘Angry’ Face
The New York Times: When Hillary Clinton participated in a televised forum on national security and military issues this month, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus, tweeted that she was “angry and defensive the entire time — no smile and uncomfortable.” Mrs. Clinton, evidently undaunted by Mr. Priebus’s opinion on when she should and shouldn’t smile, tweeted back, “Actually, that’s just what taking the office of president seriously looks like.” The implication of Mr. Priebus’s comment was a familiar one: A woman making stern-looking facial movements must be angry or upset.
’Power Posing’ Co-author: ‘I Do Not Believe That ‘Power Pose’ Effects Are Real’
New York Magazine: It would be hard to come up with a recent psychological idea that has stormed the mainstream more quickly and effectively than “power posing” — the idea that if you adopt assertive, “powerful” poses it can have various positive psychological and physiological effects that may help you during negotiations, public speaking, and other high-pressure situations. The idea comes from a 2010 paper published in Psychological Science co-authored by Dana Carney and Andy Yap, then of Columbia University, and Amy Cuddy of Harvard.
Teens’ Memory for Faces Shifts Toward Peers During Puberty
Adolescents begin to view faces differently as they prepare for the transition to adulthood, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. "We know that faces convey a lot of different social information, and the ability to perceive and interpret this information changes through development,” explained psychological scientist Suzy Scherf of Penn State, senior author on the study.