2024 Psychological Science Editorial Team

Please see the new submission guidelines and recent editorials ((Hardwicke & Vazire, 2023 and Vazire 2023) for more information about the latest developments at Psychological Science.

See the 2023 Psychological Science Editorial Team here


Simine Vazire, University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences

Consulting Editor

Patricia J. Bauer, Emory University, Department of Psychology

Senior Editors

Derek M. Isaacowitz, Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Betsy Levy Paluck, Princeton University, Department of Psychology

Russell Poldrack, Stanford University, Department of Psychology

Julia M. Rohrer, University of Leipzig, Wilhelm Wundt Institute for Psychology

Guillaume Rousselet, University of Glasgow, School of Psychology and Neuroscience

Joseph Simmons, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Operations, Information, and Decisions

Associate Editors

Stephen Baffour Adjei, Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development

Tom Beckers, KU Leuven, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

D. A. Briley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Psychology

Clayton R. Critcher, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business

Antonio L. Freitas, Stony Brook University, Department of Psychology

Jenny Gutsell, Brandeis University, Department of Psychology

Ulrike Hahn, Birbeck College, University of London, Department of Psychological Sciences

Yoel Inbar, University of Toronto Scarborough, Department of Psychology

Zhicheng Lin, University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Psychology

Louis J. Moses, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington, School of Psychology

Amy Orben, University of Cambridge, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Gabriele Paolacci, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Rotterdam School of Management

Roni Porat, Hebrew University, Department of Political Science and Department of International Relations

Vishnu Sreekumar, The International Institute of Information Technology, Cognitive Science Lab

Julia Stern, University of Bremen, Department of Psychology

Heather L. Urry, Tufts University, Department of Psychology

Evie Vergauwe, University of Geneva, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Senior Statistics, Transparency, and Rigor (STAR) Editor

Tom E. Hardwicke, University of Sydney, School of Psychology

Statistics, Transparency, and Rigor (STAR) Editors

Ruben C. Arslan, University of Leipzig, Wilhelm Wundt Institute for Psychology

Frederik Aust, University of Cologne, Department of Psychology

Julia Beitner, Goethe University Frankfurt, Department of Psychology

Joanne Chung, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Department of Psychology

Sophia Crüwell, University of Cambridge, Department of History and Philosophy of Science

Jamie Cummins, University of Bern, Institute of Marketing and Management; Institute of Psychology

Sacha Epskamp, National University of Singapore, Department of Psychology

Jessica Kay Flake, McGill University, Department of Psychology

Emma Henderson, Department for Transport UK, Department of Behavioural Science

Wendy C. Higgins, University of Melbourne, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences

Adela Isvoranu, National University of Singapore, Department of Psychology

Zoltan Kekecs, Eotvos Lorand University, Institute of Psychology

Michael D. Krämer, University of Zurich, Department of Psychology

Christopher R. Madan, University of Nottingham, School of Psychology

Ana Martinovici, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Rotterdam School of Management

Amanda Kay Montoya, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Psychology

Daniel P. Moriarity, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences

Leif D. Nelson, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business

Michèle B. Nuijten, Tilburg University, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences 

Mijke Rhemtulla, University of California, Davis, Department of Psychology

Anne Scheel, Utrecht University, Department of Methodology & Statistics

Angelika M. Stefan, University of Liverpool, Department of Psychology

Olmo van den Akker, Berlin Institute of Health, QUEST Center for Responsible Research

Sara J. Weston, University of Oregon, Department of Psychology

Editorial Fellows

Ivan Carbajal, Oregon State University, School of Psychological Science

Leyla Loued-Khenissi, Lausanne University Hospital

Senior Publications Manager

Becca G. White, Association for Psychological Science

Editorial Board Members

Balazs Aczel, ELTE University, Institute of Psychology

Adeyemi Adetula Alex Ekwueme Federal University and Université Grenoble Alpes, Department of Psychology

Quentin André, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado Boulder, Department of Marketing

Frederick Anyan, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Psychology

SP Arun, Indian Institute of Science, Centre for NeuroScience

Olivia E. Atherton, University of California, Riverside, Department of Psychology

David Barner, University of California, San Diego, Department of Psychology 

Dale Barr, University of Glasgow, School of Psychology and Neuroscience

Emorie D Beck, University of California, Davis, Department of Psychology

Ayşecan Boduroğlu, Koç University, Department of Psychology

Andreas M. Brandmaier, MSB Medical School Berlin, Department of Psychology

Mark Brandt, Michigan State University, Department of Psychology

Erin M. Buchanan, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Department of Analytics

Huajian Cai, University of Oklahoma,  Department of Psychology 

Rebecca Carey, Princeton University, Department of Psychology

Sapna Cheryan, University of Washington, Department of Psychology

Alexander P. Christensen, Vanderbilt University, Department of Psychology and Human Development

Daniel Conroy-Beam, University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences

Pamela Davis-Kean, University of Michigan, Department of Psychology

Sabine Doebel, George Mason University, Department of Psychology

Keely A. Dugan, University of Missouri, Columbia, Department of Psychology

Lauren Eskreis-Winkler, Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University, Department of Management and Organizations

Jordan Etkin, Duke University, Department of Marketing

Miguel Farias, Coventry University, Brain, Belief, and Behaviour Lab

Renato Frey, University of Zurich, Department of Psychology

Eiko Fried, Leiden University, Department of Clinical Psychology

Gidon T. Frischkorn, University of Zurich, Institute of Psychology

David M. Frost, University College London, Social Research Institute

Tanja M. Gerlach, Queen’s University Belfast, School of Psychology

Jin X. Goh, University of Illinois Chicago, Department of Psychology

Jennifer M. Gómez, Boston University, School of Social Work

Geoff Goodwin, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Psychology

Gul Gunaydin, Sabanci University, Department of Psychology

Justin Harris, University of Sydney, Department of Psychology

Kelci Harris, University of Victoria, Department of Psychology

Ying-yi Hong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Management

Anna M. Hood, University of Manchester, Division of Psychology and Mental Health

Andrea Howard, Carleton University, Department of Psychology

Alex Imas, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Department of Behavioral Science \

Ross Jacobucci, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Healthy Minds

Rogier A. Kievit, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour (RadboudUMC), Department of Cognitive Neuroscience 

Alistair Knott, Victoria University of Wellington Department of Engineering and Computer Science

Jessica Kosie, Arizona State University, Department of Social and Behavioral Science

Anne Krendl, Indiana University, Bloomington, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences

Jennifer Kubota, University of Delaware, Departments of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Political Science and International Relations

Robyn LeBoeuf, Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School

Albert Lee Nanyang, Technological University, Department of Psychology

Neil Lewis, Jr., Cornell University and Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Communication, Medicine, and Public Policy

Jackson G. Lu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management

Richard E. Lucas, Michigan State University, Department of Psychology

Brooke Magnus, Boston College, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

Matthew C Makel, University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education

Rachael Meager, The University of New South Wales, Department of Economics

Samuel Mehr, University of Auckland and Yale Child Study Center, School of Psychology

Hugo Mercier, ENS-CNRS-EHESS, Institut Jean Nicod

Candice C. Morey, Cardiff University, Department ofPsychology

Thekla Morgenroth, Purdue University, Department of Psychological Sciences

Ben R. Newell, UNSW Sydney, Department of Psychology

Tosin Tunrayo Olonisakin, Ekiti State University, Department of Psychology and Behavioural Studies

Kristina R Olson, Princeton University, Department of Psychology

Fred Oswald, Rice University, Department of Psychological Sciences

Omar David Perez, University of Chile, Department of Industrial Engineering

Jason D. Rights, University of British Columbia, Department of Psychology

Jan Philipp Röer, Witten/Herdecke University, Department of Psychology

Becky Schaumberg, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Operations, Information, and Decisions

Ramona Schoedel, Charlotte Fresenius University and LMU Munich, Department of Psychology

Emre Selcuk, Sabanci University, Department of Psychology

Daniel J. Simons, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Psychology

Uri Simonsohn, ESADE Business School, Department of Operations, Innovation and Data Sciences

Jessica A. Sommerville, University of Toronto, Department of Psychology

Clemens Stachl, University of St. Gallen, Department of Behavioral Science

Rong Su, University of Iowa, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship

Mele Taumoepeau, Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University Wellington, Department of Psychology

Yiu-Kei Tsang, Hong Kong Baptist University, Department of Education Studies

Stephanie Tully, University of Southern California, Department of Marketing

James Ohisei Uanhoro, University of North Texas, Department of Educational Psychology

Matt Williams, Massey University, Department of Psychology

Bo Zhang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, School of Labor and Employment Relations; Department of Psychology

Xiaochu Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Psychology

Julian Zlatev, Harvard University, Department of Negotiation, Organizations & Markets

Rolf Zwaan, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Psychology