Raphael Bernier
University of Washington http://faculty.washington.edu/rab2 What does your research focus on? Broadly speaking my research focuses on autism spectrum disorders (ASD) — spanning etiology, neuroscience, diagnosis, and intervention. More specifically, I am interested in bridging the gap in our understanding of the relationship between putative causal genetic events, neurological underpinnings of deficits in social cognition, the behavioral presentation of ASD, and how to intervene to address the challenges in social cognition. What drew you to this line of research and why is it exciting to you?
Marc Berman
University of South Carolina Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest, Canada www.psych.sc.edu/faculty/Marc_Berman or www.huffingtonpost.ca/marc-berman/ What does your research focus on? I focus on understanding the interaction between individual psychological processing and environmental factors that give rise to human behavior. My research has two main lines. In one line of research I study how external environments, such as the physical environment and social environment, affect human behavior.
Andy Baron
University of British Columbia http://childdevelopment.psych.ubc.ca What does your research focus on? My research focuses on the development of intergroup cognition from infancy through adolescence. In particular, I examine the development of intergroup attitudes and stereotypes across implicit and explicit levels of analysis. My work also examines how children’s conceptual representations of group membership (as an ingroup or an outgroup member) develop across these years and how such representations constrain a variety of psychological processes including categorization, induction, evaluation, memory, and perception.