A New Approach to the Marshmallow Test Yields Complicated Findings
A new study on the classic “marshmallow test” suggests that the widely studied link between children’s ability to delay gratification and their life outcomes is heavily influenced by social and economic backgrounds.
The “Warm Glow” of Giving May Overshadow Doing the Greatest Good
Whether you’re buying a home or squirreling away a nest egg for retirement, financial decisions are all about the numbers – except for when it comes to charitable giving.
The Basic Research Blues
Feel free to replicate, reproduce, and share your voice with friends, colleagues, NIH, and us!
What is Grammar’s Role in Conflict?
A new study shows just how critical word choice becomes in softening long-standing conflicts — including geopolitical clashes
Melania Trump’s BE BEST Campaign Takes a Cue From Clinical Psychological Science Study
A study published recently in an APS journal has helped inspire First Lady Melania Trump’s new initiative to teach children about the importance of social, emotional, and physical health. In its May 7, 2018 announcement about the new BE BEST campaign, the White House referenced a study published in 2017 in Clinical Psychological Science showing that children who spent more time on new media between 2010-2015 were more likely to report mental health issue than those who spent time on non-screen activities such as sports and in-person socializing.
To Climb the Charts, Write Lyrics That Stand Out
The Beatles revolutionized rock and roll by combining music styles in ways never heard before. Notorious B.I.G. changed the rap game with rhythms and rhymes that strayed from what was normal in the mid 90s.