Feelings of Belonging May Indicate Students’ Risk of Depression
Depression may be more closely related to how we perceive our relationships and position within a community than to whether or not we are socializing with others.
‘Not Me, but We’: Identifying With a Group May Boost Individuals’ Sense of Control
Group-based control theory proposes that social identification with agentic in-groups—groups with a common goal—and engagement in collective action allow people to restore and maintain a sense of control and can help efforts feel less futile, even when the odds seem stacked.
Predictive Modeling Could Help Put Patients With Depression on the Right Path
Precision medicine, informed by predictive modeling, offers a promising avenue for helping patients and practitioners decide on the right combination of medication and therapy.
“A Staggering Public-Health Problem”: Psychological Interventions for the Treatment of Chronic Pain
This PSPI Live is focused on how psychological interventions can be part of a comprehensive plan to manage chronic pain
Podcast Collection: Eight Early-Career Researchers on Their Inspirations, Methods, and Goals
The full collection of podcast interviews with recipients of the 2022 APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Early Career Contributions.
Outnumbered: People Overestimate the Presence of Symbolically Threatening Groups
People commonly exaggerate the presence of certain groups simply because they are perceived as ideologically different.