Games Can Be Good – When You Play for the Right Reasons
The effects of playing video games on well-being seem to depend largely on why and how an individual chooses to partake. Visit Page
US Congress Cautions NIH on Clinical Trials Policies
The US Senate has instructed the National Institutes of Health to acknowledge the behavioral science community’s opposition to classifying basic research with humans as clinical trials. Visit Page
Inside the Psychologist’s Studio with Lee Ross
The social psychologist renowned for his research on human judgment and on conflict resolution discusses the impact of his work. Visit Page
Hinshaw Receives Ruane Prize for ADHD Research
APS Fellow Stephen Hinshaw has received the 2019 Ruane Prize for his work on the developmental psychopathology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Visit Page
Inability to Feel Pleasure Could Influence Opioid Addiction Treatment, Scientists Say
A team of clinical scientists is examining a possible psychological symptom that may heighten craving and risk of replace for people recovering from opioid dependence.dependence. Visit Page
National Academy of Medicine Elects APS Fellow Ted Abel
APS Fellow Ted Abel of the University of Iowa is among four psychological scientists newly elected to the National Academy of Medicine. Abel is recognized for his work on the interplay of sleep and memory formation and storage, and the molecular basis of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders, including autism. Abel is Professor and Chair of UI’s Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology and Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine. He is director of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute at the university.