Carey, Aslin Receive NAS Atkinson Prize
The National Academy of Sciences has awarded the 2020 Atkinson Prize in Psychological and Cognitive Sciences to APS William James Award Fellow Susan Elizabeth Carey and APS Fellow Richard N. Aslin.
Self-Objectified Women Express the Same Support for Social Activism
Women who report high levels of self-objectification are no more or less willing to engage in social activism than those who do not.
New Research Finds Text Messages Can Help Predict Suicide Attempts
New research at UVA suggests that language used in text messages may one day help clinicians predict an increased risk of a suicide attempt in real time.
Linguistic Similarities Build Friendships and Echo Chambers
Friends influence one another’s linguistic styles over time, contributing to the relational “echo chambers” common on social media and in society as a whole.
Jerome Bruner Library Opens at Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
The Jerome Bruner Library opened January, 2020 at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands.
Liberals and Conservatives May Feel Moral Violations Differently
Individuals on the conservative and liberal ends of the political spectrum may ‘feel’ their feelings somewhat differently when their moral expectations are violated.