APS Members Honored at ICP

Sathasivan "Saths" Cooper, Albert Bandura, Annette D. Karmiloff-Smith, Naomi I. Eisenberger, and William A. Cunningham
Five APS members will be honored for their contributions to psychological science on July 26, 2012, at the 30th International Congress of Psychology (ICP) in Cape Town, South Africa — the first flagship meeting of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS ) to be held in Africa.
Sathasivan “Saths” Cooper will accept the IUPsyS Achievement Against the Odds Award for his significant contributions to psychological science in the host country, South Africa, where he was jailed for nine years for his opposition to apartheid. Cooper is one leader credited with restoring the integrity of South African psychology, which was damaged by its ties to apartheid.
APS William James and James McKeen Cattell Fellow Albert Bandura will be honored with the IUPsyS Lifetime Career Award for the instrumental work on aggression in children that led to his social learning theory. APS Fellow Annette D. Karmiloff-Smith will be awarded the Foundation Mattei Dogan Prize in Psychological Science for her research on mapping the development of language, communication, counting, and math skills with psychology, genetics, neuroscience, and computational modeling.
APS Fellows Naomi I. Eisenberger and William A. Cunningham are also being honored with the IUPsyS Young Investigator Award. Eisenberger will receive the Applied Science award for her investigation of social relationships and their influence on wellbeing. Cunningham will receive the Basic Science award for his work on how the mind represents value judgments about people, events, objects, and ideas.
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