Albert Bandura Receives National Medal of Science

Photo credit: Ryan K. Morris and the National Science & Technology Medals Foundation
President Obama presented eminent psychological scientist Albert Bandura with the National Medal of Science in a ceremony held at the White House on May 19, 2016. Awarded annually by a committee of presidential appointees, the National Medal of Science recognizes individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to science, technology, and engineering.
Bandura, professor emeritus of psychology at Stanford University, has received both the APS William James Fellow Award and the APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award and is considered one of the most influential psychological scientists in the world. Bandura’s groundbreaking research on self-efficacy demonstrated that individuals’ beliefs about their own capabilities affects their choices, motivations, and even well-being and health. Self-efficacy theory has had broad implications for everything from HIV prevention to classroom teaching strategies.
In a series of now-famous experiments, Bandura used an inflatable clown doll named Bobo to demonstrate that learning depends on more than simply rewards and punishment. After watching an adult aggressively pummel a Bobo doll, children modeled the same aggressive behavior by kicking, hitting, and throwing the doll; children who watched a nonaggressive adult did not adopt the same degree of violent behavior toward the doll. These findings revolutionized the understanding of learning, leading to the development of social cognitive theory.
In one of the most widely viewed episodes of Inside the Psychologist’s Studio, Bandura explains how the Bobo experiments have become influential in ways he never could have foreseen — television programs throughout the world have utilized Bandura’s modeling principles to tackle issues ranging from the prevention of child trafficking to improving adult literacy.
Congratulations to our author, Albert Bandura for this great honor!
As I quart “efficacy theory has had broad implications for everything from HIV prevention to classroom teaching strategies.” as a student Teacher through his works I have created a meaningful Teaching/learning Environment for my learners in my two previous Teaching practice and recorded an A+.I therefore challenge every teacher to follow professor Bandura’s works and see the real change. Your works will forever be remembered professor Bandura.
And at 90 he just published a timely and fascinating new book, Moral Disengagement, with Worth Publishers!
congrats sir…. its all about your work hard and excellence. we the students of psychology have faith in theories like bobo doll and its founder. thanx…
Thank you for sharing this most encouraging article. I am happy to learn that Dr. Bandura has received such an award for his amazing and powerful work…showing the power of the model. Makes me want to become a better one.
wow! golden man of the world. I have read and work on Bandura’s work. It is amazing and helpful for the next generation. Thank you Bandura!
Congrats Albert Banduraji.
#albert bandura is a gr8 personality in psychological history.
Sir had done a gr8 job in making psychology more in practice.
Many congratulations to sir receiveing National science award.
Professor Bandera deserves this outstanding Award. As a trained psychologist, I have benefited immensely from his ground-breaking research works. May he be an ecouragement to all practicing psychologists.
A well deserved reward for an amazing inspirational and influential psychologist such a great man.
It’s a great pleasure to be a part of psychology.
Mis felicitaciones para un profesor excepcional, por tan merecido premio, para el aporte al mundo y a las proximas generaciones, GRacias Sr… EHB!!!felicidades y mas exitos!!!
Congratulations to Dr. Bandura! It is such a beautiful sight to see Prof receive this award! Dr. Bandura’s theory on Social learning remains one close to my heart; understanding the vast application of his theory is a pure bliss! Thank you Dr. Bandura for teaching us these theories.
I am a student of Psychology presently persuing M.Sc Applied Psychology n PG Diploma in Guidance & Counselling from an Indian University.
First of all congratulations to Bandura sir for his achievement.
It gives immense pleasure to see such a news especially about the scientist whom we are studying. Really great contributin n achievement.
Congratulations sir you deserve this award thank you so much for your great contribution in field of psychology many many congratulations
I’m from Iran and Educational Psychology student. I am a teacher and a good role model, I congratulate the honor.
Congratulations . Your works have added dimensions to the application of psychologyFor. All students of psychology its a proud moment.
Congrats Dr Bandura for this award as you deserved it.Sir, I m a professor in university in India and I apply Social Learning theory in applications of Scool Psychology
Social Learning theory.Its so practical and useful. Many congratulations sir, proud moment for us.
God bless you with good health.
Uno de los más grandes científicos de la conducta humana. merece la medalla y muchísimo más.
Mi más grande reconocimiento y admiración.
It’s an honor to the legend of psychology, Very Congratulations Sir, I admire your theories & practice them too
Congrats Dr. Bandura,social learning theory is making posistive impact in the life’s of many.You have made us(Psychologist) proud with your practical skills.
A milestone.Respect for the person who dedicated his life for service to human mind and behaviour.congratulation.
Very proud Dr Bandura. Thank you for sharing this article.
Congratulations, Professor Bandura. Your thoughtful and thorough work has had, and will continue to have, immeasurable influence on human thought and functioning. It is heartwarming to see this influence rightly acknowledged. Best wishes.
wovvvvvv sir am really surprised to see proud of you .may you live long and give us more and more …thanku very much for your great work for the subject psychology
Great news.Bandar chalked out a wonderful design for understanding human behaviour. Long live Sir. We can call him people’s psychologist.
Congratulation sir hats up …I’m simple psycholgy lecture from HUBBALLI _Karnataka _India.. I’m teaching your theory ..but today im hpy uyou awarded once again for your work .sir live long…
I had the previlege to meet him in 2005, what a great man!
I learnt his self efficacy theory, taught it to my students n applied it.
Congratulations sir! May you live a happy n healthy life!
Que alegría por este reconocimiento Felicitaciones un orgullo para la Psicología
Sir, I am the example of your wor. When in grad school (communication) I discovered your work. It has gotten me through both master (Sex education in the schools) and the dissertation ( abstinence programs), later the use of telenovelas to change behaviors and so on! Thank you for all your work!
Live long our founding father of my profession.I really enjoy teaching on your theory
Congratulations to Professor Albert Bandura and community psychology.
Please receive my congratulation as you received the award of psychological science. It is great life time achievement of your unbeatable contribution to Psychology. Your research works are inspiring to all the students of psychology forever. I wish your long and productive life.
Congratulation sir hats up …I’m CEO & Counselor Psychologist in Guidance Clinic India from Indore_MP_India.. I’m using your theory . Today i’m very happy to you awarded once again for your work.
First of all, I’d like to congratulate Professor A. Bandura. Congratulation! Unquestionably, Albert Bandura’s contribution to psychological science is very much outstanding! Thanks Prof for your contribution! And You deserve the recognition and awards! Social learning theory, now social cognitive theory, is a versatile theory & applicable to all walks of life.
I salute the professor. I employed your insights in my master’s dissertation.
Dr. Bandura’s research helped to orchestrate my dissertation – his outstanding work is paramount to individual motivation- congratulations on your achievements!
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