Boyd McCandless Award
The Boyd McCandless Award recognizes an early career scientist who has made a distinguished theoretical contribution to developmental psychology, has conducted programmatic research of distinction, or has made a distinguished contribution to the dissemination of developmental science. The award is for continued efforts rather than a single outstanding work. Scientists who are within seven years of completion of the doctoral degrees are eligible, and for the 2023 award (to be judged in 2022), nominees should have received their degrees in 2015 or later. In special circumstances when the scientist has taken an extended leave of absence (e.g., for their own serious health condition, for the birth or care of their child, to care for an immediate family member who has a serious health condition, etc.), one extra year of eligibility may be granted. Any scientist wishing to be considered for an extra year of eligibility should submit a letter explaining the circumstances to the Chairs of the Award Committee along with official documentation of the leave. The award is presented by the membership of Division 7 of the American Psychological Association, and the award winner will be invited to address the following year’s meeting of the APA.
To nominate an individual, please mail or email a letter of nomination, the candidate’s CV, up to four representative publications, and suggestions for three additional potential referees to the chairs of the selection committee: Natalie Brito, Ph.D. ( and Camelia Hostinar, Ph.D. ( Please do not self-nominate; one nomination packet per candidate is preferred. For details about the award, please see
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